Postby Jazzooo » January 10th, 2014, 12:14 am
Scott, thanks for your efforts. I do have to say that if it keeps going, I hope that should you decide to participate that you simply not get into the ego battles you're so famous for again. The last time I remember you talking about closing this down was also because you were fighting with someone. You famously fought with people all the time at JC. I'm not saying you cause all the conflicts, but you certainly participate in them. Am I wrong? Would you be using this last fire fight (whatever that means) as your 'last straw' if you hadn't been in the middle of it?
Ron, please--give it a shot. Let me and other people help with funding every month. If we split the burden, maybe it could make a difference. I belong to a beloved music-making/recording forum as well, and it's definitely cyclical. Sometimes, almost dead and sometimes a lot of activity. It never upsets me when it is slow, because it's only a matter of time before it bounces back.
"Justin, I think the responses so far speak for themselves. Nobody is clamoring to try to revive this patient."
Scott, like the last time, you started the thread by announcing that you were closing it. You didn't ask for our opinion--you said the site is dead--that's a condition where 'revival' isn't really possible. This is exactly what you did the last time, remember? You hold the power--nobody can make you keep doing it. If you begin a thread by saying you're quitting, you'll get the reaction you're getting, people saying thanks, and what a drag and so on.
I'll tell you again that I truly appreciate your efforts. But I would be lying if I didn't say that wish someone else, who didn't take things so personally, had been holding the reins. You're like a much more fun version of Goodspeak in that way. You can't let an insult go by, you've just got to get into it. I think forum owners have to be a different type of personality, honestly. I doubt I could do it successfully, but as I said I'd be willing to help fund someone who wants to try. How much $ are we talking about, every month? I know it's more than money, but even still--what are we looking at?