Subject: Now that it's over...
Scott Dolan wrote:I'd like to make it perfectly clear that private messages shared between posters, whether it is here, or anywhere else have no place on the public forums here.
And if they are posted, they will be removed for pretty obvious reasons.
It's your call, but I don't think it's quite so obvious. If someone who is clearly not my friend sends me a PM, especially one that insults me, I don't know why there's any expectation of confidentiality.
On the other hand, I understand you wanting people to have a way to correspond with one another in which they know it will be kept private.
But this still creates problems. Are you saying that someone can't even summarize or discuss what was sent to him/her in a private message? What if the person feels threatened or harassed. Are they required to keep it a secret?
Also, if you are allowed to discuss a private message you received but not repost it, it opens the possibility that you can distort it badly or totally make stuff up. Like that PM you sent me in which you said my wife must be fucking blind and masochistic to hang out with me. (The fact that you were right is no defense, IMO)
I think it is a better idea to let parties decide between themselves whether a message is private and confidential. It's easy enough to send a preliminary message saying "I want to discuss something privately if you agree."