Who doesn't like "mainstream" jazz?

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Steve Reynolds
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Re: Who doesn't like "mainstream" jazz?

Postby Steve Reynolds » July 24th, 2013, 12:46 pm

HenryMc wrote:Most jazz is museum music now. Coltrane died 45 years ago, miles nearly 22 years ago. The current crowd recreate to various degrees the excitement of earlier eras. Ther are some tremors of excitement in European new classical and avant but otherwise it's increasingly played by schooled musicians adept at re creation rather than creating something new. Zorn i hear someone yell from the sidelines case in point , he's been mining that groove for years now. Every now and then a craze for someone will rise from the trades. It seemed even David Murrays farts were recorded in the1980s. Then there was the Dave Douglas then Avishi Cohen trends. So yeh I dig bird, miles, my beloved 60s avant guard but with the exception of native dancer can't listen to 70s shorter at all. I still buy jazz, oping to be wowed, excited but increasingly I am disappointed.....and don't start me on live jazz....

too bad you arn't near me, Henry

I'd bring you to some shows that will NOT have you complaining about Live Jazz.

as far as recordings, I have some of the same experiences - too few excellent newer recordigns with the great ones being rare - although I have heard a few great recent recordings - and I still buy new jazz although I am careful as I have been burned by the sound engineers (sic) that work for a couple of labels that seemingly only know how to make the band(s) NOT sound like they do live.

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