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Postby cookie » July 9th, 2013, 8:57 pm

I love smoking.

Let the "hating" commence. ;)

Honestly. I truly enjoy the tastes and smells of various tobaccos. I truly enjoy all forms of tobacco including "snuff".
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Re: Smoking

Postby cookie » July 9th, 2013, 8:59 pm

I take that back: chewing's gross, IMO. I have relatives/friends who chew. I enjoy cigarettes, cigars, abd pipes.
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Re: Smoking

Postby cookie » July 9th, 2013, 9:02 pm

Don't "hate" chewers. Hate the spit;even discreetly into a container.

I enjoy smoke. I like cigarettes, cigars;pipes. I only did snuff in me youth. Made you sneeze. Sneezing is general tberepeutic, IMO. :)
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Re: Smoking

Postby tippy » July 9th, 2013, 9:09 pm

I am a smoker. When less stressed, 1/2 pack/day. When stressed, full pack. Regularly smoking full pack. They should be 100% illegal. Absolutely, definitively 100% illegal. E-cigs make me dizzy, ill and are like smoking from a heavy pen. I wish I liked them though.
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Re: Smoking

Postby cookie » July 9th, 2013, 9:12 pm

Tippy: I missed you! ((hug!!)). :)
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Re: Smoking

Postby tippy » July 9th, 2013, 9:13 pm

Girl, right back at you, you Sweetheart! Nice to run into you again!
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Re: Smoking

Postby cookie » July 9th, 2013, 9:16 pm

I hate to say this, but if cigs were outright "outlawed", we'd likely get 'em at least "on par" ....
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Re: Smoking

Postby sozamora » July 9th, 2013, 9:18 pm

I smoke about 5 or 6 cigarettes a week. One or none on week days and one or two on weekend days. My brand is American Spirits (light).
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Re: Smoking

Postby tippy » July 9th, 2013, 9:34 pm

Alcohol will kill a person sooner I think in general, if you have a problem. Soaking your organs in alcohol is swifter than just affecting your lungs, as important as they are. (There is definitely a pretty hefty brain component to cigs though too.) But still cigs should not be allowed before something like marijuana. Marijuana is softer than both alcohol and cigs. The only reason cigs are still legal is because of billions and billions and billions. I would like cigs to be illegal for my own personal reasons, because I figure if they made them really hard to get - if I had to travel 80 miles and pay $40/pack - that would be helpful to me. As it is, the younger folks have no tolerance for it, and I think that's a good thing, even if it makes me extremely uncomfortable, that's exactly how it should be to prevent them from taking it up. Since cigs aren't going to be removed, make it as unattractive as possible. It's not a cool thing. It's drug addiction. It's slavery. That's how I feel about it personally. If I develop a smoking related disease, I will not be treated.

Sorry if that's a buzz kill. But I really do hate this addiction. And all that said, environmentally, if a person drives a car, you have nothing to say against smokers. But no one will ever admit that.
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Re: Smoking

Postby tippy » July 9th, 2013, 9:40 pm

sozamora wrote:I smoke about 5 or 6 cigarettes a week. One or none on week days and one or two on weekend days. My brand is American Spirits (light).

I've been smoking American Spirit Medium or what is now called "balanced" since the mid 90s. I can't smoke anything else. Started with Camel Lights. Can't stand those now. Never could take Marlboros. To me they are unimbable. At the store, there is frequently confusion when I ask for light green, since bright light green is an American Spirit menthol. People frequently call them Sage, but it's hard for me to say sage because it sounds so pretentious. Good for you though for such temperance! Seriously. I had a coworker in New York who would smoke one per day. And I recently found out my aunt, who is very shee-shee health oriented, smokes one a month. Very interesting to me, people who can do that. It's an awesome compromise if you ask me. Nothing wrong with it.
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Re: Smoking

Postby Jimmy Cantiello » July 10th, 2013, 5:07 am

I quit smoking December 8, 1975. I easily smoked two packs a day. My poison of choice were Lucky Strikes, Winstons, Camels or Pall Malls. If I was hard up and had to bum a cig I'd smoke any brand.

As for drinking, I probably will never give it up. It would result in putting too many bartenders out of work. The guilt would be too much for me to bear.
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Re: Smoking

Postby uli » July 10th, 2013, 5:33 am

I went electronic beginning of this year I mainly vaporize gold and silver juice now.

I still like to smoke some half and halves and keep the Marlboros around for the other half. i also smoke the occasional cigarette.

A big plus for me is that you can vaporize in clubs and bars.
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Re: Smoking

Postby Jimmy Cantiello » July 10th, 2013, 5:48 am

My sister has an electronic cigarette. And it has different flavors. Her favorite is pina colada.
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Re: Smoking

Postby steve(thelil) » July 10th, 2013, 6:14 am

I basically quit smoking many years ago. I still smoke when I'm in New Orleans once a year, maybe 5 or 6 cigarettes a day, and maybe 5-10 other cigarettes in an entire year. When they made it illegal to smoke in bars in NY it became very easy to basically totally quit, since I never felt like a cigarette except for when I was drinking alcohol or coffee. But I only "needed" to smoke at a bat or a restaurant before a meal if other people were smoking.
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Re: Smoking

Postby Jimmy Cantiello » July 10th, 2013, 8:28 am

jazzbluescat wrote:Nothing is quite as satisfying as a good cigar...nothing's the same.

I think Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky would agree with you.
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Re: Smoking

Postby John L » July 10th, 2013, 9:08 am

Jimmy Cantiello wrote:
jazzbluescat wrote:Nothing is quite as satisfying as a good cigar...nothing's the same.

I think Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky would agree with you.

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Re: Smoking

Postby stonemonkts » July 10th, 2013, 10:12 am

jazzbluescat wrote:I started smoking cigarettes at age seven and quit cold turkey 25 years later, for which I'm very proud.

Wow! Finally someone has beat my embarrassing confession of picking up the habit in 1968 at the age of 10.

I smoked until September 23, 1999, when I went cold turkey and haven't had a puff of tobacco since. I would guess I averaged one pack per day...many less than that at first, but by the time I was 13 I was huffing a pack, and playing several sports. I should be dead.

I still enjoy the smell but do not want to be near it when I'm eating or sleeping.

Weed is another matter. I'll smoke that until I die, if possible. I don't smoke it every day though.
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Re: Smoking

Postby pig pen » July 10th, 2013, 11:14 am

Smoking is one bad habit that I'm glad I never started. Amazing that I didn't since in the 70s when I grew up the non-smokers were the odd-balls and you could buy single cigarettes for a dime at the corner store, right next to the penny candy.
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Re: Smoking

Postby A. Kingstone » July 10th, 2013, 3:00 pm

Never took to tobacco but certainly can understand the enjoyment of others.

Weed since I was 13 and still enjoyable though occasional.
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Re: Smoking

Postby tippy » July 10th, 2013, 5:31 pm

stonemonkts wrote:
jazzbluescat wrote:I started smoking cigarettes at age seven and quit cold turkey 25 years later, for which I'm very proud.

Wow! Finally someone has beat my embarrassing confession of picking up the habit in 1968 at the age of 10.

I smoked until September 23, 1999, when I went cold turkey and haven't had a puff of tobacco since. I would guess I averaged one pack per day...many less than that at first, but by the time I was 13 I was huffing a pack, and playing several sports. I should be dead.

I still enjoy the smell but do not want to be near it when I'm eating or sleeping.

Weed is another matter. I'll smoke that until I die, if possible. I don't smoke it every day though.

I honestly had my first cigarette when I was no older than 6 (maybe cuz I was hanging out with 10 year olds, lol). But I got caught pretty quickly and stopped completely until I was like 22 or 23 (of all stupid things!), visiting San Francisco (shortly before I moved there), had run out of weed (in SF of all places), and was around a ton of smokers. Many/most of my friends in Utah were smokers at the time, but I had refrained for years until that one trip to San Francisco (where my traveling partner was driving me BONKERS).
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Re: Smoking

Postby stonemonkts » July 10th, 2013, 7:56 pm

Well at least you had those clean years while you were still growing up. Daily smoking before fully grown is a scary thing for me to ponder. Haha six years old. My first cigarette was a Parliament that Bobby Colaci stole from his mom's purse.
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Re: Smoking

Postby Jimmy Cantiello » July 11th, 2013, 5:41 am

stonemonkts wrote:My first cigarette was a Parliament that Bobby Colaci stole from his mom's purse.

That's how it starts, stealing cigarettes from your mother. I hear that Colaci ended up doing time in the big house for insider trading.
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Re: Smoking

Postby hornplayer » July 15th, 2013, 6:30 am

When I quit smoking (in 1973) cigarettes were $.50 a pack. We used to drive over to Indiana where we could get cartons for $5.00! No way I could afford to smoke these days. The price is astronomical!
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Re: Smoking

Postby Jimmy Cantiello » July 15th, 2013, 9:13 am

A co-worker tells me a pack of cigarettes here in Connecticut go for anywhere from 7 to 10 bucks depending on where you buy them.
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Re: Smoking

Postby Jimmy Cantiello » July 15th, 2013, 10:20 am

Here in Connecticut the scumbags in Hartford tax the living shit out of anything they can. According to that same co-worker the tax on cigarettes recently went up a dollar per pack.
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