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Oscar Castro-Neves - RIP

Posted: September 28th, 2013, 9:15 pm
by Chazro
Eliane Elias has just posted that Brazilian Jazz guitarist Oscar Castro-Neves has passed away. I've been a fan for many years from when he was in Sergio Mendes Brazil '66. His career was deep and reached far beyond his stint with that band. A very melodic and graceful musician, I'll miss him. Listening to one of my favorite records by him; 'All One', beautiful stuff.

Re: Oscar Castro-Neves - RIP

Posted: September 28th, 2013, 9:38 pm
by ValerieB
i'm sick about this. I knew he was terminally ill but just found out the other day. he was the sweetest, kindest man, aside from his very special talent.

my deep condolences to his family and friends. a lot of people loved him, that's for sure.

Re: Oscar Castro-Neves - RIP

Posted: September 29th, 2013, 2:30 pm
by Mike Schwartz
RIP indeed....a wonderful musician


Re: Oscar Castro-Neves - RIP

Posted: September 29th, 2013, 3:52 pm
by Jazzooo
I'm very sad about this. I was lucky enough to meet Oscar when he and his friend Don Grusin came to San Miguel de Allende to play at our jazz festival. Not only where he and his wife Lorraine beautiful and hang out with, he presented a gorgeous show along with Don. At the end they invited me on stage and the three of us tore through an improvisation based on one of the themes from Black Orpheus.

For the finale of the festival, I had arranged and rehearsed a 60 minute presentation of Beatles music featuring at least 25 musicians and singers. When Oscar heard about it, he told me that he had an arrangement of blackbird that he had never performed and asked if I would like him to do it that night. Of course I said yes, and it was a highlight of the evening.

Re: Oscar Castro-Neves - RIP

Posted: September 30th, 2013, 9:45 am
by moldyfigg
Hi music brought a lot of joy.

Re: Oscar Castro-Neves - RIP

Posted: September 30th, 2013, 10:19 am
by Ron Thorne
What a wonderful talent and lovely man.

"The crystalline beauty of his arrangements is matched by the rare delicacy with which they are interpreted. Castro-Neves is incapable of creating a dull moment, but that is an understatement: He is only capable of generating rhythmic, harmonic and melodic joy." - Leonard Feather

R.I.P., Oscar Castro-Neves~