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Security Update

Posted: March 31st, 2017, 10:42 am
by jtx
Keeping up with current Internet trends for sites which feature login functionality, we have switched the site from standard HTTP protocol over to the more secure HTTPS protocol this week. Please note that this should not impact your daily experience on the site in any way, except for the fact that if you store your username and password on your device, you will need to do that once more. After that, smooth sailing!

Now, when viewing most pages on the site in a browser, you should see the friendly green padlock symbol show up, but it will not be shown on pages containing external images, as these are outside of our control, and will likely be served over standard HTTP as usual. (The image above is OK, though, as it served over HTTPS from a third-party site.)

If you run into any issues, please drop the admins a line!
