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Looks like extremists have come "home" to wreak havoc

Posted: October 22nd, 2014, 11:18 am
by pig pen
Video from inside our Parliament building in Ottawa:

Apparently the seargent at arms shot and killed the suspected terrorist when he burst in shooting. Sounds like there were several people shooting from the video posted above.

The reports are still pretty sketchy as to what exactly happened but it appears from reports that the same person shot a soldier at a nearby war memorial who later died then hijacked a car to go to the Parliament building. There were other shooters involved as well who have not been caught yet.

I don't know where this shit ends, but at some point we need to as a society figure out why young people are ending up as brainwashed idiots. People who are a lot smarter than me can't seem to figure it out, but I hope somebody does soon.

Re: Looks like extremists have come "home" to wreak havoc

Posted: October 22nd, 2014, 2:38 pm
by Cem
Really sad… I said on fb "was listening to CBC 1 coverage all day, while delivering the damn mail and aside from Anna Maria's irritatingly insincere sounding, emphatic "hmmm"s (otherwise I love her), everything was tip top. Having thoughtful commentary was helpful to me, as I was distraught by this event. Though not a shock, I'd been expecting some things to happen, not sure what.... lots of disenfranchised, alienated, misguided, impressionable folks out there, but why can't they channel their insanity in the direction of the Cons, instead of unsuspecting cadets"?

Re: Looks like extremists have come "home" to wreak havoc

Posted: October 23rd, 2014, 7:42 am
by pig pen
I think there will be more of these one-off "suicide by cop" kind of attacks in the next while. There is now a story about someone being seen walking around Halifax with a rifle and then leaving it on a bus, I guess they came to their senses. On the other hand there is a lot of gang stuff that goes on there so who knows, it's just the way the media is spinning everything now.

I just about puked when I saw our brave leader wrapping himself in the flag, he must be just about creaming his polyester pants over this as a great PR opportunity to show how tough he is on "terror". With regard to that, is an attack by one person on specific people (a soldier, the prime minister) actually an act of terror? It seems like the word has lost all meaning and has come to mean anyone who acts against the government.

All of this is not to excuse or make the actual act any less heinous, I just think the propaganda around this stuff has reached a point where I don't believe anything that comes out of any government (western or otherwise) around these issues.

One irony was that google news this morning showed the Ottawa attack as the first item, the second story was about the body count thus far (including civilians) from the US airstrikes.

Re: Looks like extremists have come "home" to wreak havoc

Posted: October 23rd, 2014, 10:45 am
by moldyfigg
Canada, welcome to the club.

Re: Looks like extremists have come "home" to wreak havoc

Posted: October 24th, 2014, 6:51 pm
by walto
I heard today that the guy used a Winchester rifle--sounds like something that an antique collector might have. I guess really nasty weaponry isn't so easily available in Canada. Here it would have been an AK-47 probably--or maybe a pressure cooker.

Which reminds me. Who'd have the guts to go into a kitchen store an buy a pressure cooker anymore? I guess you have to soak your beans overnight now.

Re: Looks like extremists have come "home" to wreak havoc

Posted: November 25th, 2014, 9:59 am
by uli
walto wrote:I heard today that the guy used a Winchester rifle--sounds like something that an antique collector might have. I guess really nasty weaponry isn't so easily available in Canada. Here it would have been an AK-47 probably--or maybe a pressure cooker.

Which reminds me. Who'd have the guts to go into a kitchen store an buy a pressure cooker anymore? I guess you have to soak your beans overnight now.

as am not really into planning our meals for the day ahead but love beans i have used following technique. bring the beans up to boil in the appropriate amount of water (i eyeball this). cut them off and let them sit for 30-40 minutes. then bring them to a low simmer until they are done. In my experience that can take 1 1/2 hour to 2 1/2 hours depending on bean works for me.

for bean salads i admit to using canned beans.

Re: Looks like extremists have come "home" to wreak havoc

Posted: January 29th, 2015, 7:49 pm
by jwaggs
This was a while back, but I heard where some young mother who ordered online a backpack for her school-aged son, and a pressure cooker to, well, to cook, got a visit from an FBI swat team. So, if you need a backpack and a pressure cooker, don't order them online at the same time or pick them up at the same store. Order to backpack from LL Bean and go to Target to pick up the cooker -- just make sure you aren't being followed.