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Nat Hentoff - Impeach Obama

Posted: January 20th, 2014, 6:00 pm
by Coda
WASHINGTON — Worse than Richard Nixon. An unprecedented abuse of powers. The most un-American president in the nation’s history.
Nat Hentoff does not think much of President Obama.

And now, the famous journalist says it is time to begin looking into impeachment. :smug:

Hentoff sees the biggest problem as Obama’s penchant to rule by executive order when he can’t convince Congress to do things his way.

The issue jumped back into the headlines last week when, just before his first Cabinet meeting of 2014, Obama said, “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone … and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions.”

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Re: Nat Hentoff - Impeach Obama

Posted: January 21st, 2014, 3:58 am
by walto
“I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone … and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions.”

...and I can use that phone to call almost anywhere in the country where they have phone service. In some ways, it's even better than that pen, which I can only use to call Michelle and the kids.

Re: Nat Hentoff - Impeach Obama

Posted: January 21st, 2014, 7:28 am
by Monte Smith
The Supreme Court right now is deciding if Obama exceeded his authority by making recess appointments when Congress considered itself in session. The court should be the first recourse in deciding if a branch has exceeded its authority, because impeachment always looks like (and usually is) partisan. Hentoff definitely has a point, though, that our executive is legislating from his desk with statements about what the law is going to be replacing what the law actually says. To kind dispositions, that's going to look OK but it is dangerous.

Re: Nat Hentoff - Impeach Obama

Posted: January 21st, 2014, 8:10 am
by pig pen
Scott Dolan wrote:Though I'd be one hundred percent in favor of arrest and trial at The Hague after he's left office.

Only if GW is arrested as well would that make any sense.

The whole system is corrupt and the only way that changes is if people start voting for anyone other than a Republican or Democrat.

We're seeing the same corruption north of the border with the current group of thugs in office, we just don't have as much impact on the rest of the world.

Re: Nat Hentoff - Impeach Obama

Posted: January 21st, 2014, 12:45 pm
by pig pen
Scott Dolan wrote:Agreed 100%!

Then again, I voted third party and most folks on JC chided me for "throwing away my vote".

Yeah, that's what the old guard wants the attitude to be so they can play the "the other guy's worse and I'm the only alternative" game.

At least we have somewhat decent election financing laws, the US is the wild west when it comes to that.

Re: Nat Hentoff - Impeach Obama

Posted: February 4th, 2014, 3:05 pm
by Pete C
Obama has issued fewer executive orders than any President since Grover Cleveland ... 2014-02-03

Re: Nat Hentoff - Impeach Obama

Posted: February 1st, 2015, 10:40 am
by jwaggs
I hesitate to post this because we don't have Goody here to froth at the mouth about me saying it, but I'll definitely be looking third party if Hillary is nominated.

Re: Nat Hentoff - Impeach Obama

Posted: February 2nd, 2015, 11:16 am
by moldyfigg
Obama has been a great disappointment. But think of the alternative.

How come Cheney, Bush and Rumsfeld aren't in prison?

Re: Nat Hentoff - Impeach Obama

Posted: February 2nd, 2015, 1:14 pm
by jwaggs
I'd be happy to see a couple of bankers in jail.