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Re: What are your passions?
Posted: July 9th, 2013, 6:01 pm
by BeBop
Travel (for cultural enlightenment)
Done. Seriously, I haven't had a day off work since 2007, so I can't have many passions. But work has me traveling 365 days,so I can sneak a bit of that one in.
Re: What are your passions?
Posted: July 9th, 2013, 6:16 pm
by Ron Thorne
Sorry, but I can't limit my passions to three. Here are the top ones, in no particular order.
I love photography, good food, beer & wine, art, graphics, baseball, fly fishing, travel, and our children and grandchildren. Patti (my wife), has been a passion of mine for over 50 years, most of my life.
Re: What are your passions?
Posted: July 9th, 2013, 7:57 pm
by tippy
Swimming. A gliding meditation through water. And the county rec pools have gotten SO crowded in the past two years - I thought it was the summer Olympics last year, but it's even worse this year - that I've actually started waking up a 6am to do it. Which I never, ever though I would do. I am not a bouncer out of bed person, I have a horrible snooze button habit. GD snooze button. Evil invention. Crack for procrastinators.
Re: What are your passions?
Posted: July 10th, 2013, 5:42 am
by Jimmy Cantiello
Anything food related which, as we all know, is intertwined with and springs from history, culture, people, family, art, etc. My happiest and most satisfying moments are spent in my kitchen as well as restaurants, farm markets, and anywhere food is displayed and sold. I remember sitting at the counter of diners as a young man and watching the short order cook go through his motions. Not a move was wasted. To me, it was fascinating. And he was always careful to make those eggs over easy just right.They were always picture perfect. A true artist. To this day, if a restaurant has an open kitchen with a "chef's counter", that's where I'm sitting. I love to watch a good "culinary ballet".
Re: What are your passions?
Posted: July 10th, 2013, 10:41 am
by Gentle Giant
My girls
My music
My writing
Re: What are your passions?
Posted: July 11th, 2013, 4:24 am
by Gentle Giant
jazzbluescat wrote:Gentle Giant wrote:My girls
My music
My writing
re: girls You talkin' family or friends with benefits?
I have two beautiful daughters and, a year after an annoying divorce from an even more annoying woman, a new relationship with a wonderful person with all the benefits, including friendship.
Re: What are your passions?
Posted: July 11th, 2013, 8:01 am
by steve(thelil)
Re: What are your passions?
Posted: July 11th, 2013, 10:37 am
by jaka
cuddling cats
drinking alcohol
reading books
preferably all 3 at a time
music comes in 4th position, no mixing with the first 3
Re: What are your passions?
Posted: July 11th, 2013, 4:37 pm
by LennyH
-India Pale Ale
-Music (right now it's mostly classical. Can't get enough Bach)
-Going out to dinner. We're obsessed with restaurants (especially ones with great food and alcohol) and feel the need to go out every single weekend. Gets expensive when you've got kids that are of age and invite themselves.
Re: What are your passions?
Posted: July 11th, 2013, 5:33 pm
by Dr Dave
Some years ago I read about a guy who said his passion was accounting. Ever since, I've found it hard to keep a straight face when the word comes up in conversation.
Actual passions? What I'd put my life on the line for? Naaahhh...I have interests, things I like to do. I like to play and listen to music; I like geeking out about wine; like Lenny, I like to go out to eat at nice places--especially nice places with cool bartenders and interesting wine lists. I like walking in Manhattan and snorkeling at Hawksnest Bay; I like to read and write. And I like it when Theo decides to take a nap with me and I fall asleep listening to him purr. And, you know, whatever.
Re: What are your passions?
Posted: July 12th, 2013, 5:56 am
by Jimmy Cantiello
Dr Dave wrote:Some years ago I read about a guy who said his passion was accounting. Ever since, I've found it hard to keep a straight face when the word comes up in conversation.
Accountant types are a strange breed. I live with one. They totally groove on a clean balance sheet. Very logical and "black and white" in the way they think. I think the only reason Joanne keeps me around is so I can explain jokes to her. If a story does not follow a logical and straightforward sequence then it makes no sense to her. As a general rule, accountants are terrible tippers. It comes right down to the penny for them.
Re: What are your passions?
Posted: July 12th, 2013, 6:05 am
by hornplayer
I agree with you Dave... Put my life on the line for? Probably not anything/one except my sister and a couple of extraordinary friends.
But the things I CALL my passions? Wine, food and cooking and writing about same, horn, Jazz and all of what I call "good music," going out to dinner/lunch.
Re: What are your passions?
Posted: July 12th, 2013, 6:34 am
by stonemonkts
Re: What are your passions?
Posted: July 12th, 2013, 6:41 am
by pig pen
Jimmy Cantiello wrote:Dr Dave wrote:Some years ago I read about a guy who said his passion was accounting. Ever since, I've found it hard to keep a straight face when the word comes up in conversation.
Accountant types are a strange breed. I live with one. They totally groove on a clean balance sheet. Very logical and "black and white" in the way they think. I think the only reason Joanne keeps me around is so I can explain jokes to her. If a story does not follow a logical and straightforward sequence then it makes no sense to her. As a general rule, accountants are terrible tippers. It comes right down to the penny for them.
Hey Jimmy, you shouldn't generalize
We are a strange breed but there is more variation than you might think within the breed.
I have actually seen things like Dr Dave pointed out when people are applying for jobs but I assume that's just the usual trying to tell people what you think they want to hear in order to get the job. I mean really, who has a "passion" for studying international financial reporting standards?
My problem comes when my passions conflict, like my passion for my wife conflicting with my burning desire to play an improv gig that is going to be quite disruptive for passion #1. I guess sooner or later you have to rank the passions and decide which one wins.
Re: What are your passions?
Posted: July 12th, 2013, 9:40 am
by LennyH
Dr Dave wrote:Some years ago I read about a guy who said his passion was accounting. Ever since, I've found it hard to keep a straight face when the word comes up in conversation.
Herbert Kornfeld would like that muhfukkuh.,1019/
Re: What are your passions?
Posted: July 12th, 2013, 10:06 am
by hornplayer
pig pen wrote: I mean really, who has a "passion" for studying international financial reporting standards?
You might be surprised. I have a good friend who tried to tell me that Reinsurance is a creative field. Yeah, RIIIIIIGHT!
Re: What are your passions?
Posted: July 12th, 2013, 11:47 am
by Monte Smith
Jimmy Cantiello wrote:
Accountant types are a strange breed. I live with one. They totally groove on a clean balance sheet. Very logical and "black and white" in the way they think. I think the only reason Joanne keeps me around is so I can explain jokes to her. If a story does not follow a logical and straightforward sequence then it makes no sense to her. As a general rule, accountants are terrible tippers. It comes right down to the penny for them.
Ha! Great post. There's a priest at my mom's church who left a career in accounting to wear the collar. That's admirable, but something of the accountant still clings to him. His homilies do not pay dividends. Heart's in the right place, though, which is maybe what matters on final balance.
Passions? Like some of you above, I'm skeptical about the word when applied to likes and interests.
Re: What are your passions?
Posted: July 12th, 2013, 2:28 pm
by moldyfigg
Bebop, baseball and booty.
Re: What are your passions?
Posted: July 12th, 2013, 2:34 pm
by Mr. Met
The Mets.
Re: What are your passions?
Posted: July 12th, 2013, 3:06 pm
by Jimmy Cantiello
Mr. Met wrote:The Mets.
That's not a passion. That's a cross to bear.
Re: What are your passions?
Posted: July 12th, 2013, 4:23 pm
by Mr. Met
At least they're consistent!
Re: What are your passions?
Posted: July 12th, 2013, 4:39 pm
by Jimmy Cantiello
Btw, I know a guy by the name of Randy who lives in NYC. He's a "died in the wool" Mets fan.
Re: What are your passions?
Posted: July 13th, 2013, 10:31 am
by Mr. Met
Hmmmm. I think I know him.