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Any crafters?

Posted: July 8th, 2013, 7:37 pm
by cookie
In addition to the music, I am an avid crochet/knitter. Got me thinking: what do others make? I know a couple of great musicians who build furniture. I know some who paint or draw (like Tony Bennett!).

Do you build/make things? How long have you practiced your craft??

(I've been doing needlework since the 3rd grade)

When I get to a decent computer (mines broken) and figure out how to post photos, I'll show you some of my work. :)

Re: Any crafters?

Posted: July 9th, 2013, 5:46 am
by Jimmy Cantiello
My wife crochets, sometimes for hours at a time. I'm pretty sure she zones out during those sessions. Scary, but it keeps her out of trouble. On the other hand, except for a fine looking cheeseburger, I don't do any crafting.

Re: Any crafters?

Posted: July 9th, 2013, 5:56 am
by Monte Smith
I'm a widower to yarn, myself. Carm took up knitting a few years ago. She's always been crafty, the minx, making homemade soap and whatnot. But she didn't know beans about knitting, say, four years ago. Now she's great at it. She knit me a Manchester United scarf (granted, it's long enough to wrap around my neck about thirty times). She knits all the time and is graducally filling up the house with balls of yarn for future projects stretching into the decades.

Re: Any crafters?

Posted: July 9th, 2013, 7:28 pm
by Ron Thorne
I don't have any current craft projects, but Patti is very adept at several crafts.

She has excellent beadwork design ideas and skills, mostly resulting in stunning purses. She is also an excellent seamstress, and knits and crochets, too. Patti also enjoys decoupagé.

I'll ask her for permission to show a few of her projects.

Re: Any crafters?

Posted: July 9th, 2013, 8:55 pm
by tippy
I used to watercolor wrapping paper, either copy paper or paper bags and it looked really cool. I would wrap the gift and then paint viney stuff, simple flowers. I am as far from a fine artist as you can get. And I made my own Christmas cards with water colors too. In church, they taught the girls how to crochet and knit. No one could ever teach me to crochet left handed and I could never figure it out. But knitting was a little more flexible. I have forgotten since. If I could knit, I would knit me a pair of thigh-high loose-knit legwarmers like the ones I have leftover from the 80s. They are awesome for winter. The ones I have are falling apart and I've checked the dance stores and there is nothing to equal them.