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Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: May 25th, 2014, 9:49 pm
by ValerieB
Kai Stuart is such a handsome boy! and so mature and wise-looking. I'm convinced that he's an "old soul". and his coloring and skin texture are beautiful. I am so excited for all of you! xoxo

Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: May 28th, 2014, 7:26 pm
by tippy
Wonderful name. Congratulations again (and to you, especially, Justin). What an awesome event. I am thrilled for all of you.

For some reason I didn't catch a photo of the little one, but I did however click on your link, Ron, and was treated to some extraordinary photography. Breathtaking photos that make one feel very good about life.

Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: May 28th, 2014, 8:37 pm
by bluenoter
tippy wrote:For some reason I didn't catch a photo of the little one

That's because there's none here, Tip. I was so puzzled that I PMed Valerie, and it turns out that she was referring to a photo on Facebook or somewhere.

Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: May 28th, 2014, 8:58 pm
by tippy
Gracias, Blue. It's always helpful to know that I am not having a senior or tech-limitation moment. :)

Okay, so post a photo! Although if that is something people are not comfortable with - like the exploiting of celebrity children - I understand. ;)

Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: May 28th, 2014, 9:03 pm
by tippy
Oh, and, Blue, I've got a treat for you. Check it out during daylight hours. ... 7136758001

OR, since tonight I noticed they moved to inauspicious territory: ... 7136757001

Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: May 29th, 2014, 12:37 pm
by Ron Thorne
I should be able to post a photo of Kai within the next few days. 8-)

Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: May 29th, 2014, 1:35 pm
by Chazro
My grandson's name is Kai also!! :D

Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: May 29th, 2014, 3:58 pm
by Ron Thorne
Chazro wrote:My grandson's name is Kai also!! :D

Amazing news, Chazro! Cool. :idea:

I'll share that with our son.

Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: May 29th, 2014, 3:59 pm
by Ron Thorne
Scott Dolan wrote:Alright, people.

Birth certificates, or it never happened.

As sure as President Obama was born in an Iranian madrassa, neither of you have grandkids named after the greatest trombonist in Jazz history! :D

:lol: :music: :lol:

Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: May 31st, 2014, 12:03 pm
by jtx
And my wife Rika played trombone in junior high school. Does this bode anything?

Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: May 31st, 2014, 6:49 pm
by bluenoter
tippy wrote:Oh, and, Blue, I've got a treat for you. Check it out during daylight hours. ... 7136758001

OR, since tonight I noticed they moved to inauspicious territory: ... 7136757001

Thank you, Tippy! They're gorgeous---and they're diurnal! Just the thing to make me fall off the wagon as a recovering birdie cam addict.

The chicks behave very much like owlets, but the mama peregrine is far more attentive than a mama owl would be at that stage; she watches them like a---well, you know.

Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: May 31st, 2014, 6:53 pm
by Ron Thorne
Yesterday, Patti & I finally got to meet our new grandson, Kai. He has a winning disposition and is a very cute little boy! There was more holding, kissing and enjoying him today.





Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: June 1st, 2014, 12:41 am
by ValerieB
I'm freaking! Kai is absolutely gorgeous/handsome/beautiful! and he doesn't look newly-born to me. he looks like a couple of months old! certainly looks old enough for you to bring him to lunch in Malibu with us! LOL! you guys must be "over the moon"! how are Justin and Rika? they should be grinning 24/7! and the color of his skin makes me swoon!

Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: June 1st, 2014, 9:30 am
by Cem
Wow, beautiful boy! Congrats to Justin, Ron and family!

Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: June 1st, 2014, 10:12 am
by Ron Thorne

Justin & Rika are both doing well. Rika's Mother is visiting from Japan, which is a help in many ways.

Kai is very mellow, and is already tracking well with his eyes, so he seems ahead of his age in some ways. He was just 15 days old when we met him on Friday. We didn't see him with his eyes open until yesterday. He is a very serious sleeper. And, a serious eater, too!

By the way, I had forgotten that Justin played Miles Davis' Kind of Blue for him for several months prior to his birth. He said that two songs in particular seemed to elicit a strong response ... So What and All Blues. :music:

Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: June 1st, 2014, 1:41 pm
by Chazro
He's a beaut Ron, congrats! Yeah, I tried to subliminally influence my son when he was in the womb. I regularly put headphones on his Mom's tummy trying to pipe in the tunes. To no avail! At 30 yrs old, after the piping AND continuously being exposed to my music his whole life, he's a hard core rap fan (ugh!)!! :cry:

Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: June 1st, 2014, 6:14 pm
by Ron Thorne
Thanks, Chaz.

I understand the music of parents vs. kids very well. We played jazz, r&b and rock around our 3 kids while they were growing up, and they knew that I was (primarily) a jazz fan and jazz musician. Our daughter (Terri) is mostly into r&b and pop, our oldest son (Darren) is into selective classic rock and a small handful of current bands, while our youngest (Justin) is our only true jazz fan and musician. All three of them play at least one instrument.

Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: June 1st, 2014, 7:31 pm
by ValerieB
looking at Kai's pictures brings a smile to my face every time and warms the cockles of my heart as well. you're going to have to make sure that Darren's kids don't get jealous of the new addition!

Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: June 2nd, 2014, 7:39 am
by hornplayer
What a stunning baby, Ron. If I didn't say it earlier elsewhere, Mazel Tov.

How can he help being a musician of some kind? ;)

Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: June 2nd, 2014, 10:01 am
by Ron Thorne
Scott Dolan wrote:He should receive a new Kai Winding CD every year for his birthday!

I think that can be arranged. ;)

Thanks for the kind remarks, Scott.

Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: June 2nd, 2014, 10:12 am
by Ron Thorne
Thanks for the nice comments, everyone!

Darren's two children are not in jeopardy of taking a back seat to Kai, and are very cool with the idea of a new cousin ... especially Sophie. She's been a "junior mommy", begging to hold Kai, and very adoring and attentive. She accompanied Patti & me on our 1st visit, and stayed overnight with us in a hotel so she could spend more time with Kai.

Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: June 2nd, 2014, 10:44 am
by Ron Thorne
Here is a photo of Sophie (4) holding her new cousin, Kai, and a shot I took at our hotel in Pasadena a little while later. She usually goes to bed about 8:30, but she was so wound up with excitement that she was up until midnight!



Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: June 2nd, 2014, 10:45 am
by bluenoter
Those photos! Those reports! That family! Oy. Listen, I can't post right now. I'm getting emotional. Linda Richman speaks for me (only I would say "nor" Image)—


NBC via

Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: June 2nd, 2014, 5:35 pm
by Ron Thorne
Thanks, Rita. I'm crackin' up with the Coltrane schtick! Thankfully, I wasn't drinking anything.

Scott, I couldn't agree more. That beautiful little face is usually the 1st thing I see every morning when she comes into our room to wake me.

And Reed (her brother) is almost 10! He's become quite a good baseball player, and is a budding pianist.

Re: I'm A Grandfather Again!

Posted: June 3rd, 2014, 12:37 am
by ValerieB
can hardly believe that's little Sophie! she has grown SO much since I last saw pictures of her. just as beautiful though.