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Downbeat Readers Poll — 2013

Posted: August 6th, 2013, 7:47 am
by BeBop
Does anyone here vote? I received a solicitation to vote (I'm a forty-year DB subscriber). I looked at the form and my eyes just glazed over. I find myself completely disinterested, despite my passion for "jazz". I suppose it's partially the fact that I know most of the people I would vote for are "no hope-ers". And the loss of some greats I would like to vote for over the current crop leaves me saddened (no fault of DB's process; just my psychological process). So, what do you do? Vote for Sonny Rollins for the eleventy-sixth time? (Nothing against Mr. Rollins.)

Re: Downbeat Readers Poll

Posted: August 6th, 2013, 8:16 am
by BeBop
Scott Dolan wrote:If nobody has supplanted him in your ears, yes.

I don't vote, BTW. But vote for your favorites. It's not a Presidential election. ;)

Sonny Rollins is fine. I can't muster the enthusiasm to think of whom I would REALLY like to see win, while knowing that he/she is probably going to muster 7 votes.

Re: Downbeat Readers Poll

Posted: August 6th, 2013, 9:23 am
by Steve Reynolds
I'll vote hear for my dream band to see live with Mat the leader:

Mat Maneri - viola
Tony Malaby - tenor saxophone
John Edwards - bass
Augusti Fernandez - piano
Randy Peterson - drums

fact is, those might be the musicians I would vote for on their instruments

Re: Downbeat Readers Poll

Posted: August 6th, 2013, 9:27 am
by moldyfigg
I dumped Downbeat about five years ago. I couldn't take their amateurish writing.

Re: Downbeat Readers Poll

Posted: August 6th, 2013, 9:40 am
by A. Kingstone
Sonny Rollins - Talent deserving wider recognition.

Re: Downbeat Readers Poll

Posted: August 6th, 2013, 11:45 am
by Ron Thorne
A. Kingstone wrote:Sonny Rollins - Talent deserving wider recognition.

:lol: 8-) :lol:

Re: Downbeat Readers Poll

Posted: August 8th, 2013, 9:22 am
by Mike Schwartz
DB hasn't been relevant to me for many years...

Re: Downbeat Readers Poll

Posted: August 8th, 2013, 11:15 am
by BeBop
Mike Schwartz wrote:DB hasn't been relevant to me for many years...

It's relevant to me just as a source of some basic news. I really do like reading/print (hence my 70 magazine subscriptions); it's portable and fits in with my vagabond life.

Despite my presence here, there and (seemingly) everywhere, I don't really care that much for web news.

Re: Downbeat Readers Poll

Posted: August 9th, 2013, 6:33 am
by bluenoter
A banner at

Steve Reynolds, in #4, wrote:. . . my dream band to see live with Mat the leader:

Mat Maneri - viola
Tony Malaby - tenor saxophone
John Edwards - bass*
Augusti Fernandez - piano*

Randy Peterson - drums
*I'd have to put them in "Musicians I've never heard of" (Ever hear of this musician?)

Re: Downbeat Readers Poll

Posted: August 9th, 2013, 4:20 pm
by HenryMc
Im an online subscriber and never vote but when I look at the lists it always amazes me what a broad church Jazz is. Like most of us (it appears) my taste has been formed and though open to new things, my faves are well and truly established (After Bird, then who?). I did notice some people I hadn't checked out and the lists of nominees sent me looking for a taste (some I liked , some is generic to the max). On the question of DB I wonder if it is because the legends are now going, going, gone that the subject material fails to hold interest.

(Oh and the online subscription with two tshirts was a very good deal , considering the print edition was costing $15 an issue down here)

Re: Downbeat Readers Poll

Posted: August 10th, 2013, 5:31 am
by Steve Reynolds
John Edwards is a British free improvisation bassists who is pretty much the go to guy in that free improv scene. He plays often @ The Vortex, Cafe Oto and appears on probably over a hundred free improvisation recordings with musicians like Evan Parker, Paul Dunmall, Louis Moholo-Moholo, Mark Sanders, Peter Brotzmann, and Steve Noble.

Agusti Fernandez plays within some of the same circles and is a member of Barry Guy's New Orchestra and is featured to great effect on the recent Mad Dogs 5 CD box set which is small formations improvisations from the members of Guy's above incredible large ensemble.

Re: Downbeat Readers Poll

Posted: August 10th, 2013, 6:52 am
by steve(thelil)
Did someone actually delete my post stating that Reynolds tweets pictures of his schlong to Dunmall and Brotzmann? (Just double checking.)

As Joe Maneri is my witness, I posted it mainly because I thought he'd like it.

However, it is ruled delete material I will move on without even whining.

Re: Downbeat Readers Poll

Posted: August 10th, 2013, 7:05 am
by steve(thelil)
Scott Dolan wrote:Are you sure you actually posted it?

There is nothing in the moderator log. The last post deleted was from a spammer last weekend.

I'm not the slightest bit sure I actually posted it. I now assume I didn't. Thanks

Re: Downbeat Readers Poll

Posted: August 10th, 2013, 7:45 am
by Steve Reynolds
steve(thelil) wrote:Did someone actually delete my post stating that Reynolds tweets pictures of his schlong to Dunmall and Brotzmann? (Just double checking.)

As Joe Maneri is my witness, I posted it mainly because I thought he'd like it.

However, it is ruled delete material I will move on without even whining.

They would not be impressed!

Re: Downbeat Readers Poll

Posted: August 10th, 2013, 7:55 am
by steve(thelil)
Steve Reynolds wrote:
steve(thelil) wrote:Did someone actually delete my post stating that Reynolds tweets pictures of his schlong to Dunmall and Brotzmann? (Just double checking.)

As Joe Maneri is my witness, I posted it mainly because I thought he'd like it.

However, it is ruled delete material I will move on without even whining.

They would not be impressed!

At first I thought you meant they wouldn't be impressed with my joke. Then I got your joke. LOL

Re: Downbeat Readers Poll

Posted: August 10th, 2013, 10:17 am
by bluenoter
Steve Reynolds wrote:John Edwards is a British free improvisation bassists who is pretty much the go to guy in that free improv scene. He plays often @ The Vortex, Cafe Oto and appears on probably over a hundred free improvisation recordings with musicians like Evan Parker, Paul Dunmall, Louis Moholo-Moholo, Mark Sanders, Peter Brotzmann, and Steve Noble.

Agusti Fernandez plays within some of the same circles and is a member of Barry Guy's New Orchestra and is featured to great effect on the recent Mad Dogs 5 CD box set which is small formations improvisations from the members of Guy's above incredible large ensemble.

Thanks! I'd Googled them briefly, but your info. was much more helpful.

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