My musical soulmate, guitarist Ken Basman, died in June of 2016. We had been working on a CD featuring our telepathic improvised guitar/piano duets entitled DUOTUNES. We had lots of great studio stuff in the can and after his passing, I had the beautiful bittersweet experience of choosing some great live tracks to flesh out the disc.
All I can tell you is that you don't own anything like this CD. Ken was a master who could switch from the angular energy of Scofield to the swing of Jim Hall without breaking a sweat. Together we simply fit--these tracks feel like you're eavesdropping on an intimate and playful conversation where the participants are likely to finish each others' thoughts.
You can listen to complete tracks here, and then there will be a path to order either digital downloads or physical CDs from A portion of the profits will go to Ken's family.
Doug Robinson
DUOTUNES, a new CD Featuring Doug Robinson and Ken Basman
Re: DUOTUNES, a new CD Featuring Doug Robinson and Ken Basman
Here's a video of Ken Basman and I in action live--someone moved the camera before we played so it's pretty weird, Ken's head is cut off and I'm barely in the picture, but the music is still great! It's the one song I played djembe on.
Scrapple from the Apple
Scrapple from the Apple
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