Message from Spike Wilner

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Message from Spike Wilner

Postby jtx » March 23rd, 2020, 9:53 am

I received this newsletter email from Spike Wilner of Smalls Jazz Club and Mezzrow in NYC this morning, and thought I should share it here.



The SmallsLIVE Foundation Newsletter
March 23rd, 2020

Dear Friends:

Today the coronavirus claimed one of our own. Legendary jazz pianist Mike Longo passed away last night in the ICU at Mt. Sinai Hospital. Mike just recently played at Mezzrow with his longtime musical partner Paul West. As usual, he played with swing and grace and the bebop authority that was rightfully his. We all knew he was ill. Getting around was hard for him but it didn't stop him from making his gig. Little did I know it would be the last time in my life that I would see him.

What can one say at a time like this? I don't want to mire myself in useless or infuriating platitudes. I'm not in a position to give advice or to say anything that everyone doesn't already know. Like everyone, I'm in a wait-and-see mindset, praying and hoping and trying to keep it together. One thing I do think is to be aware of the hidden danger of isolation. Please don't get me wrong, I am not advising breaking quarantine or behaving in careless or foolish activity. However, long term isolation and anxiety has psychological ramifications that we need to be aware of. Depression is a real threat here too. Try to be in communication with loved ones on a daily basis, particularly those who may be completely alone. Reach out, contact, connect. This is a time when compassion is at a premium. Be brave and strong for your loved ones, your friends, neighbors and even strangers. Fear and anxiety can cripple and cloud judgment at a time when our minds must be clear. Like all of us, I am trying to be patient and ride this out. I pray for the strength to see this calamity to its end. I pray for the return to our normal, daily life, which we don't realize is so precious until it's been taken away from us.

Our Jazz community has always been a family and remains so. A loss of one member is a loss for all of us. Many people have written to suggest that we continue to live stream from the club. It is something that I intend to do and will work hard to make it real. But for the moment, like all of us, I just have to sit tight and wait. I am thinking about all the cats, the scene, the hang, the music. In my heart of hearts I know it will return. My love to everyone. Be kind, be gentle. We will all make it through this trying time together.

With Love,

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Re: Message from Spike Wilner

Postby rlfun » March 29th, 2020, 7:03 pm

Thanks for posting, Justin. Very meaningful message.

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